Memorial Garden - Stage 1: The Clear Out
Stage 1 of our new garden area in memory of Mrs Clayton has begun. If you would like to be involved in supporting with this project please leave your name at the office so you can become part of out Gillibrand Gardeners Team.
Reception's seaside picnic
A seaside picnic comes to the classroom inspired by The Friendship Bench
Acorn Room Baking
Some of our children are lucky enough to come and complete a baking activity each week. We can’t wait to showcase our skills to the parents!
Boccia Club
Boccia after school club started today! Never heard of here to find out more?
Year 4 Electricity
This week our year 4 children have enjoyed exploring electrical circuits in their science lessons. Take a look here at the pictures of them developing their scientific enquiry skills as they become budding scientists....
Year 4 Archery
Our year 4 pupils have been developing their target games skills by exploring a new passion and interest of archery. Pupils have shown determination and resilience to improve their accuracy and point scoring skills.
Coffee, Cakes and Classrooms
Our Pupil Parliament Charitable Committee helped raise money in memory of Mrs Clayton for MacMillian. The event was a huge success giving parents and family members a chance to enjoy a drink and a cake whilst visiting classrooms and enjoying sharing our newly developed nurturing environment. Well done to all who helped contribute and MAKE A DIFFERENCE to the charity whilst continuing the legacy of Mrs Clayton. Have a look at the photos here...
Year One Post Office Visit
Reception parents phonics workshop
Reception parents joined us for an interactive phonics workshop.