As much as many of us enjoy the summer months, we must take action to keep ourselves and our children safe.

We acknowledge the importance of sun protection and want children and staff to be protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun and will work with staff, pupils and parents to achieve this through:


  1. We will talk about being sun sensible in assemblies at the start of the summer term and before summer break
  2. Advice/leaflets will be available for parents on the school website explaining about sun protection and how they can help
  3. Teachers will plan lessons relating to sun safety and information will be provided around the school


  1. Staying shady:
    1. Pupils will be encouraged to play in the shade, where this is available. Gazebos can be erected if needed.
  2. Covering up:
    1. Children should wear wide-brimmed hats that shade the ears, face and neck while outdoors.
    2. Those with mobility issues, e.g. children in wheelchairs, are at additional risk and should cover their legs if wearing shorts
    3. All school staff are encouraged to wear hats when on playground duty and teaching outdoors to lead by example.
  3. Using Sunscreen:
    1. Sunscreen use will be encouraged, especially at break times, during PE lessons, outdoor activities and on school trips.
    2. Staff will be provided with extra sunscreen in case of emergencies for children (parental consent must be obtained from parents to use any other sun cream on children)
    3. Parents will be urged to apply sunscreen to their child before their child leaves for school, with a named bottle of sunscreen in their school bag so it can be reapplied during the day. We recommend using as high an SPF as possible.

Drinking lots:

  1. We encourage children to drink regularly during hot weather.
      1. We encourage children to bring water bottles in to school and will make sure water is available


  1. Outside activities, school trips and PE lessons will be scheduled before 11am and after 3pm if possible.
  2. If unavoidable, we will ensure hats, clothing and sunscreen are all worn to help prevent sunburn


Here are some useful websites for further information:


Sun safety | Cancer Research UK


Sunscreen and sun safety - NHS (