At Gillibrand Primary School, children have the opportunity to play a wide range of musical instruments, so they can identify their own individual talents. In class, this ranges from untuned to tuned percussion as well as the wind instruments such as the recorder and ocarina. We value the importance of children being given opportunities to learn to play an instrument, and the importance of children learning to read and write music, so they can transcribe and read both their own and others’ music. Most importantly, we celebrate learning and the love of music through allowing children the opportunity to perform within lessons, to the school community, parents and the wider community including local care homes such as Coniston House and Gillibrand Hall. This allows children to develop and build their own confidence, not only as musicians but also as individuals.
Through our whole school inter-related curriculum, we ensure that music is taught through a meaningful context, that is relevant to our pupils and enhances their understanding in other areas of the curriculum. From EYFS to Year 6, children are given regular opportunities to listen to, appreciate and enjoy music in a variety of subject areas, as well as during assemblies. Pupils are encouraged to value and appreciate the wide range of musical genres, composers and artists.
Through pupils’ ongoing experiences of both live and recorded music, their opportunities to compose their own music, and their own exploration and learning of a range musical instruments, pupils learn to love, appreciate and respect a wide range of music from different cultures, historical periods and genres. Moreover, they are taught to understand and respect the historical and cultural differences of the music they enjoy. Pupils develop a range of skills in performing, composing, transcribing and describing music as well as through listening and appreciating.
From Reception to Year 3, each class is introduced to a new instrument:
Reception - Tuned and untuned percussion instruments
Year 1 - Glockenspiel
Year 2 – Ocarina
Year 3 – Recorder
Pupils are given opportunity to practise the previous year group(s) instruments in order to allow them to progress and develop their performing skills effectively. From Year 4 to Year 6, pupils consolidate and build upon their performing skills using the full range of instruments.
In addition to this, pupils, in Years 4- 6 experience a term of Samba Drumming lessons where they are given opportunities to develop their music skills through the expertise of an external teacher. Providing pupils with this opportunity creates an additional framework for them learn new skills whilst develop existing skills. Furthermore, through the teaching of Samba Drumming, we continue to reinforce diversity and multicultural understanding through the Brazilian musical background that Samba originates from, as well as musical history and culture.
To support the teaching of singing, and to ensure pupils receive high quality singing tuition, we employ a singing teacher to work with each class on a half-termly basis. This teacher plans and delivers singing lessons with a cross-curricular element and, at the end of the teaching sequence, children perform to their parents and members of the school community.
Our choir meets every Tuesday after school. The choir participates in community events, whole school assemblies and class assemblies where possible, in order to share and celebrate their love for singing.
We also offer individual pupils the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. This offer is available through Lancashire Music Service. Currently, a small number of pupils receive 1:1 piano lessons.