

At Gillibrand we aim to develop an enjoyable, engaging, and practical French curriculum which inspires the next generation to become enthusiastic linguists. We do this through fully adhering to the aims of the national curriculum and fostering a curiosity about France, French culture and the French language. At the heart of our French curriculum is a desire to equip children with the tools they need to express themselves with confidence. Wherever possible we intend to deliver lessons with exciting and practical applications for the French language including role-play scenarios and many opportunities to speak about themselves and their lives. Throughout the curriculum, the children will acquire and develop key vocabulary that has been identified for each year group. We believe that learning French encompasses not just the learning of the language but also developing an understanding of the culture, its geography and aspects of French history. Through this learning we believe that children will be able to look outwards towards the rest of the world and to think of themselves as global citizens.



The learning of key ‘non-negotiable’ vocabulary is integral to our French lessons. This vocabulary is displayed in the classroom and is regularly practised and revised throughout the year to ensure it is embedded so that it can be built upon by the next year group.  In addition to this, we extend learning to include units which develop a broader range of vocabulary. Teachers vary which units are taught to enable cross-curricular links to be made with topics and to enable children to develop their own interests through the language. At Gillibrand, teachers create a positive attitude to French learning and encourage children to persevere and develop self-belief in their own abilities.

Our Whole School approach to the teaching and learning of French involves the following;


  • French is taught to all children in KS2.
  • French is taught in every half term. In the Autumn term the focus is on developing and reinforcing key vocabulary.
  • Where possible we teach French across the curriculum to embed learning and to prompt children to identify links across all subjects.
  • We plan for role play and real-life opportunities that enable children to develop confidence in speaking and listening.
  • Our curriculum is progressive. We build upon the learning and skill development of the previous years. This is assessed through teacher assessment and monitored by the subject leader each term.  
  • Children listen to high-quality examples of native French speakers.
  • Within each unit of work children have opportunities to speak, listen, read and write French vocabulary.


The successful approach to the teaching of French at Gillibrand results in a fun, engaging and high quality French education, that ensures progress, retention of knowledge and provides children with a strong foundation on which to build all future language learning. We provide memorable, real life experiences that develop confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing French. Children show an understanding of French life and French culture and can talk about some similarities and difference between French and English. Children show an understanding of their role in the world as global citizens.