Year 1 Art Exhibition
This week, in year 1, we have been collecting resources from nature and using them to create artwork. On Wednesday, we exhibited our artwork on the key stage 1 playground to everyone to see.
Outdoor Art Exhibition
This week, in year 1, we have been collecting natural resources and using them to create works of art. On Wednesday, we exhibited our artwork on the key stage 1 playground for everyone to see.
Outdoor Art Exhibition
This year we have been promoting outdoor learning across the curriculum. The children have been working hard to create a piece of outdoor art for our exhibition. Thank you to all the parents who popped in!
Outdoor Art!
In Year 3, we have been learning about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He created pictures using natural materials, such as rocks, twigs and leaves. We have drawn some pictures in our sketch books inspired by his work.
This morning in our art lesson, we created two different pieces…
Year Six Handball
This half term, Year 6 have started their handball training in PE.
Mrs Smith is helping us to learn the important skills of throwing, dribbling and handling the ball. The children have really enjoyed the game but realised how fast paced it is.
We were all exhausted!
Parent Questionnaires
Thankyou to all the parents who have returned the parents' questionnaire.
So far I have had over 50 responses and I appreciate all the positive comments that have been made so far.
If you have not returned the questionnaire to school yet, please do so by Monday 19th June.
Bird Nesting Boxes
The bird boxes that the children in KS2 made, are up and about in the school grounds. Keep your eyes open for any comings and goings as bird nesting season is from February until August. I hope the birds like our boxes and have a safe home to lay their eggs.
Let's see what types of birds we can…
Year Two Vote For Their Class Helper
Today Year Two voted for the candidate they felt would be the best person for the role of class helper.
All pupils took part and placed their vote in the ballot box. The ballots were then counted and the winner was announced.
By a majority vote, the winner was... Esmee!
Year 1 Elections
To reflect the UK General Election, we held our own General Election in class.
Each child voted on who they felt would be most suited to the role of 'Class Helper'. The children posted their voting slips into the ballot box. The votes will be counted and the successful candidate announced on…
Welcome Back!
I hope you all had a lovely half term holiday.
The next 6 weeks are extremely busy weeks and all the important dates can be found on the parent section of our web site.
Keep checking out all the class blogs for more information about what your children are up to in…
Woodland Trust Silver Award
Well done to everyone! We have now achieved the Woodland Trust Green Tree School Silver Award! To achieve this we have been taking part in lots of outside learning. We all visited our local woodland area, showed we cared for our environment and the Outdoor Club have been completing lots of outdoor…
Pizza Making In Year Two
This week, year two designed their own pizzas for our Topic 'Food Glorious Food' and today we made them! We made the dough ourselves and placed the toppings on to match our designs. I'm sure they will all enjoy baking and eating them at home, especially in this glorious sunshine.
Have a…