Samba Drumming In Year 4
Today Year 4 performed Samba drumming for the parents and to some of KS2. Over the last term the pupils have been practising playing the many different instruments that make up the Samba band. Well done everyone.
Shading skills
Year 4 have been developing their drawing skills this week. They have been looking at how to shade in order to add tone and texture. They worked really hard to produce some super work.
Well done!
Bulb lasagne
Today Year 4 have cleared out one of the planters on the KS2 playground. They harvested some lovely radish and carrots. The children then created a bulb lasagne. They planted different bulbs in different layers of compost. We look forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the…
Christmas Baubles in Year 4
Year 4 have been using their knowledge of papier mache to create 3D shapes - Christmas baubles.
Throwing and catching
Year 4 have been improving their throwing and catching skills in PE today. They have been playing 'bench ball' and they have had to think about how to pass effectively and work as a team.
Times Tables
Year 4 have been working on their times tables. They have been completing the Times Table Rock Star tests and using the online game.
Keep practising Year 4!
Anglo Saxon Workshop
On Monday, Year 4 were visited by Mildreth, an Anglo Saxon lady. She shared with the children what life was like during Anglo Saxon times. They children were able to examine a range of artefacts and identify their use. They also learned about daily life and how the Anglo Saxons worked together…
Science investigation
Today, as part of our science topic 'States of Matter,' Year 4 have been investigating how quickly chocolate buttons melt. They tested 3 different types of chocolate buttons, taking care to carry out a fair test. There were some interesting results.
All the children predicted that the chocolate…
Outdoor Perimeter
Year 4 went outside today and drew a variety of rectangles and squares of given measurements. They then had to calculate the perimeter. The children worked hard and made some very careful measurements.
Oobleck in Year 4
Year 4 had great fun making oobleck.
They mixed together cornflour and water. Once mixed, it behaved in a very strange way. This mixture is known as a Non Newtonian fluid. See what else you can find out about this fascinating fluid!
After almost half a term of being taught some of the skills of judo - to pin our opponent down and to get out of a hold, Year 4 competed against each other in small groups. I have to say, they all performed well and each child gained a certificate. All the children showed that they had been…
Human and physical features
Year 4 have been learning about human and physical features in geography. Today we went into the school grounds and took photos of each type of feature.
We then used Digimap to plot them on a map of the school grounds.