Gillibrand's Got Talent
Well, the performances by the children in Y1 certainly did us proud. Wilson and Josh and Holly, Jemimah, India and Maisie made it through the auditions and into today's final. Both acts were AMAZING...but...there could only be one winner, the winner was...
Transition Days
Don't forget, it is transition day on Monday! Here are some photographs from the last transition day. I wonder what exciting things Mr Thomas has in store for the children on Monday!
Hindu Visitor
We were fortunate enough to have a special visitor in Y1. Vijayaunti Chauhan visited us and told us all about the Hindu religion, the scriptures and festivals. She even helped the children create Rangoli patterns!
Sports Day 2018
Wow! We were blessed with gorgeous weather today for our sports day and what a great time we all had. The children were competitive and showed good sportsmanship, cheering and encouraging each other.
Here are some photographs of the event.
...and the winners were...
In Year 1, we have been perfecting our weaving skills using a range of different materials. Here are the children, busily crafting their work.
Countryside Classroom
We had a special visitor to our class this afternoon. Our visitor was from the 'Countryside Classroom' and she told us all about farming and why farms are important to us. The children listened carefully and asked lots of amazing questions and certainly found out lots of new facts about…
Sports Day Practise
This afternoon, the children in Year 1 practised some events for our sports day next week. The children are very excited and cannot wait for Wednesday! Please ensure your child has a full and correct PE kit in school, if the weather remains dry, we may have a second practise before…
First Steps...
...on our new 'Mile Track'!
We have had a new 'Mile Track' built at school. Nine laps of the track total one mile and we aim to promote the health of our children by walking the mile track two or three times each week. Today was the first day we could use the track and we went out this…
DeeCee's Blues
In music this week, we have been played 'DeeCee's Blues' and concentrating on playing the notes C and D in a tune.
Here are some photographs of use proudly playing our glockenspiels!
Royal Wedding Picnic
Here we are at our 'Royal Wedding Picnic' to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
DT - Drawbridges
In class this week, we have been learning all about pulley systems. We explored different pulley systems, designed and created our own drawbridge.
Here are some photographs of our pulley operated drawbridges.
This week, we have been learning all about Ganesh and what he represents. He represents power, strength and the overcoming of barriers.
The children used plastercine to make models of Ganesh, here are some of the models.