7 July 2017

Transition Day

Thank you Year 3 for a lovely day on Wednesday on your transition day.

I look forward to being your class teacher in September. 

Miss Holt

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3 July 2017

Internet Safety

In Year 3 today we did some work on Internet Safety. We discussed what social networking is and the dangers it can pose. We then talked about what we should do if we do not like things we see or hear online.

After, we made posters using the SMART rules. 



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16 June 2017

Den Fun!


Today Willow Class had a wonderful time building our den! Despite the wind and the rain all, of Year 3 worked hard and worked as a team to create the den.

Thank you so much for your ‘Save The Children Den Day’ contributions.

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14 June 2017

Outdoor Art!


In Year 3, we have been learning about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He created pictures using natural materials, such as rocks, twigs and leaves. We have drawn some pictures in our sketch books inspired by his work.

This morning in our art lesson, we created two different pieces…

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19 May 2017



Today in Maths Year 3 were measuring time. The children had to time each other completing a range of activities and then had to use multiplication to work how long it would take them to complete the same activity 5, 10 or 15 times.


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12 May 2017

Investigating Shadows!


Today in Year 3 we have been continuing our Science Topic on light. Today we investigated how shadows are formed and why some shadows are long and some are short.


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9 May 2017

Studying the UK.


Today in Geography we went outside to discuss the geography of the UK.

We talked about using a compass and which cities and places are in the north, east, south and west of the UK.

We then made the playground into an enormous map, using atlases to…

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2 May 2017

Studying the UK!


On Friday,in geography, we studied the UK.

In teams we identified capital cities, rivers and mountains using atlases.

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31 March 2017

Happy Retirement!


Everyone in Year 3 would like to wish Ms Bryson a happy retirement and wish her the best of luck in next adventure! She will certainly be missed!

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31 March 2017

The day a Dinosaur came to school!

On Monday Year 3 and 4 met Rex the Dinosaur! The children couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw him and despite being a little apprehensive at first all children stroked the very friendly T-Rex!


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23 March 2017

Push and Pull Freeze Frames!

Today in Year 3 we have been learning about forces in Science. We have been talking about ‘push’ and ‘pull’ forces. We went outside and freeze-framed different actions. Can you recognise the different push and pull actions?  

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17 March 2017

Eddie The Penguin is on his way!


Don't forget the  'Eddie the Penguin Saves the World' performance is only a few weeks away! Tickets can be purchased from the school office. 

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