17 November 2017

Anti-Bullying and E-Safety Week

In Silver Birch Class we have been doing lots of exciting activities this week linked to E-Safety and Anti-Bullying week. This year’s theme is: ‘All different, all equal’.

The children made posters linked to Anti-bullying and we spoke about different scenarios and situations where we thought we…

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25 October 2017

Healthy Lifestyles

Mrs Smith came to visit us yesterday. She told us all about making healthy food choices and we looked carefully at the amounts of sugar in the foods we eat.

Did you know, it is recommended that a child in Y4 should have no more than 6 cubes of sugar (19g) per day? A 500ml bottle of cola…

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20 October 2017

Physical Geography

Year 4 have been studying  Physical Geography; including Volcanoes.

In groups the children have created their own unique volcano. We have described volcanoes and the key aspects of them.

The children are very excited because next week they will watch their own volcanoes erupting!


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14 October 2017


On Friday the children went on the Salut programme to practise reading and writing days of the week in French. We also listened to and sang songs about days of the week. 

lundi - Monday

mardi - Tuesday

mercredi - Wednesday 

jeudi - Thursday 

vendredi - Friday

samedi -…

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5 October 2017

Playing the Recorder.

Today the children in Year 4 have been learning how to play their recorder. We have learnt how to hold our instrument correctly, sing songs and copy rhythms with our instruments. 

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2 October 2017

Let's Go Fly Our Kites.

Year 4 took advantage of the windy weather this morning and they got to fly their kites outside in the wind. 

The children all enjoyed this experience and were so excited to finally get to fly their kites. 

After flying their kites,the children then evaluated how well their kite flew in the…

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25 September 2017

Year 4 - Stem Workshop

Today year four enjoyed a workshop carried out by Junior STEM Primary Robotics. 

The skills they had to cover were:

  • identify lego pieces
  • use engineering skills to build a Merry-Go-Round out of Lego.
  • use programming skills to write an algorithm to control the Merry-Go-Round
  • use…
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21 September 2017

Let's go Fly a Kite.

Silver Birch Class had a very busy morning today. They were given a DT project to design and make their own kite in teams. 

The children could decide from a Diamond or Delta shaped kite to make. 

First the children designed their kites then they had the opporunity to start making their…

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19 September 2017

North, South, East and West.

Today the children were working outside using the 8 points of a compass. They had to identify North, South, East and West using a compass.  

Then they went on to focus on North West, North East, South East and South West.

Then the children had to look around their surroundings to see what…

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18 September 2017

Times Table Rock Stars

Well done to all these children in year 4 who completed theTimes Table Rock Star challenges this week. 

Keep up the good work. 

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14 September 2017

Solids, Liquids and Gases.

The children in year 4 have started their new Science topic on Solids, Liquids and Gases.

To kick start our new topic the children had the opportunity to make slippery slime. This is made with cornflour and water.

All the children thoroughly enjoyed this activity. 


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14 September 2017

Times Tables Rock Stars

All the children in Year 4 now have a user name and password to log on to Times Tables Rock Stars. I want all the children to be fluent in all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.

Times Table Rock Stars will help the children learn these facts. 

Watch this space to see…

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