13 January 2016

Welcome Back!

Year 3 have made a great start back at school, all children have worked hard and enjoyed being back. This week we will be starting our new Geography topic; 'Location, Location, Location!'. In the topic we will be learning what a compass is and how to use one, as well naming and locating counties…

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14 December 2015

Christmas Around the World!

Year 3 began their Christmas journey around the world this morning in France!

In our French session we looked at the French Nativity Story - 'La Nativité', made French Christmas Tree decorations and learnt French Christmas vocabulary such as 'Père Noël' and 'Joyeux Noël' . We are looking…

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10 December 2015

Mud Hunt!

As part of our current Science topic we have been looking at what mud and soil is made from. To start our investigation we put on our wellies and walked to the school fields to find some mud specimens! We all had great fun finding the mud samples and then brought them back to class to use…

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26 November 2015

What is an Algorithm?


In Computing we have been learning what an Algorithm is. To help us understand it, we wrote a class agorithm for making some toast. Then the class 'Algorithm Experts' had to 'debug' the mixed up alogorthm so it would work smoothly.

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19 November 2015

Roman Invasion of Britain 55BC!


To further our understanding of the failed Roman invasion of Britian, we all took part in role-play of the events of 55BC; Romans in red, Celts in blue! 

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13 October 2015

Class of 2012

Class of 2012

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