18 April 2017

Magistrates Court Trip

Today, Year Six were invited for a tour around Chorley Magistrates Court. We found it very interesting and even held a mock trial where we found the defendant not guilty. This was fantastic for our topic of crime & punishment but also helped us to understand our British justice…

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13 April 2017

Borwick Hall Residential Trip

Miss Baker and Miss Carter took Y6 pupils away to Borwick Hall Outdoor Education Centre just before the Easter holidays. We spent a fantastic 3 days completeing lots of activities such as: raft building, rock climbing, tree rope courses and underground caving. The pupils were fantastically behaved…

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27 March 2017

Dinosaur at School

This morning a ranger came to school asking if we had seen his pet. He had been taking it for a walk around Gillibrand when it had escaped. Our mission was to find the pet, which we later found was a dinosaur, and capture it again for the ranger. We got to meet the baby T-rex and take it for a…

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15 March 2017

Walking Wednesday

This half term we completed two walks in our local community. These were to the north-west and south-west of our school. Following the route on a map, we walked, observed the area and answered questions on our quiz sheets. During the second of our community walks, we noticed many differences.…

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10 March 2017

Criminology Talk

This afternoon, Mrs Duffy came in to talk to us about her job as a criminology lecturer. Criminology is the study of crime: where they will assess offenders; study prisons and how they can improve rehabilitation; work with youth offenders and complete crime scene analysis - which we were very…

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1 March 2017

Walking Wednesday in the Community

Elm and Beech classes walked out into the community today on the first of two routes we will be walking this half term. They had a great time and answered many geography questions as well as raising our fitness levels. Some of our children had never walked this route and saw a new part of our…

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23 February 2017

What is a refugee?

After Mrs Holden from the charity Amnesty International, came to talk to us about the Syrian refugees, we talked about what it must be like. We watched video clips and learned facts about how many refugees come to Britain every year. Taking inspiration from the artist Paul Peter Piech, we…

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21 February 2017

Building bird boxes

Woodwork workshops

To help improve the wildlife we attract to our school grounds, we decided to build some bird boxes. Mr and Mrs Morey helped us to build our very own bird boxes out of wood. We put these together using hammers and nails, then sanded the edges to create more inviting homes…

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20 February 2017

Elm Class joins the CSI

CSI – Murder Mystery

After discovering a crime scene, we were given evidence found by the CSI team to help them solve a murder investigation. Looking carefully at each piece of evidence we answered the questions:

•       Who was murdered?

•       Where did the crime take…

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9 February 2017

Year 6 Titanic Projects

This half term our topic has been Titanic, and the projects we have recieved have been absolutely fantastic! The children have been so enthusiastic learning about how the Titanic sank and we have enjoyed learning about it. Here are some pctures of some of the projects the children have…

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8 February 2017

Year 6 Helping in the Community

As part of the Chorley Civic Pride Award, we are helping in our community. Today Elm Class went out with some parents and cleaned up our local community by litter picking. We discussed the importance of our community and why it is vital to play our part. We then put this into action by starting a…

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1 February 2017

Mirror Mazes

In science, some of the year 6 pupils have been learning about how mirrors reflect light. We played mirror mazes outside and attempted to walk along a wavy line while looking only in a mirror held overhead. We found it tricky because of the reversal of left and right when looking into the mirror.…

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