9 Oct

Cross Country

On Thursday the children ran in the Cross Country Competition at Southlands. Despite the pouring rain and gusting winds they all ran really well and all came in the top 25! Congratulations to Josef, Harvey, Matty, Toby and Will, you did the school proud!

2 Oct

Playing the Ukulele!


Year 3 have started to learn how to play the ukulele. So far we have learnt to hold the ukulele correctly and play  ‘C’. We look forward to improving our skills over the course of the year. Children will need to bring in their ukuleles on Fridays.



29 Sep

Shadow Puppets!

In Year 3, we have been linking science with DT. Currently our Science topic is ‘Light and Shadows’ and we have been learning that a shadow is formed when an object blocks the light. To show our learning, we made shadow puppets of characters from our current class novel - Fantastic Mr Fox. We made…

25 Sep

Year 6 Multisports Competition!

On Wednesday Year 6 children took part in a Multisports Competition.

The team worked really well together and worked hard to earn a bronze place finish!  

Well done to our team; Thea, Eddie, Samira, Curtis, James, Archie, Ruby, Ebony and Will.  

22 Sep

Making Roly-Poly Birds!

This week Year 3 have been improving our DT skills. Initially in the week lots of children struggled to use scissors to be able to cut accurately. We made Roly-Poly birds from ‘The Twits’ story to practise and get better at cutting accurately. We used PVA glue and tearing of tissue paper to put…

22 Sep

Orienteering Competition!


On Monday we held this year’s Orienteering Competition!

All the children competed well and worked hard as a team. The Champions this year were Sacred Heart Primary School.  Congratulations to them!


13 Sep

Fantastic Mr Fox Mask Making!

To celebrate Roald Dahl day, in Design Technology we created Fantastic Mr Fox masks.

Fantastic Mr Fox is our current class novel and the class are really enjoying it!

To create the masks we had to cut carefully around the template and the cardboard, then we used poster paint to paint the…

3 Jul

Internet Safety

In Year 3 today we did some work on Internet Safety. We discussed what social networking is and the dangers it can pose. We then talked about what we should do if we do not like things we see or hear online.

After, we made posters using the SMART rules. 



16 Jun

Den Fun!


Today Willow Class had a wonderful time building our den! Despite the wind and the rain all, of Year 3 worked hard and worked as a team to create the den.

Thank you so much for your ‘Save The Children Den Day’ contributions.

14 Jun

Outdoor Art!


In Year 3, we have been learning about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. He created pictures using natural materials, such as rocks, twigs and leaves. We have drawn some pictures in our sketch books inspired by his work.

This morning in our art lesson, we created two different pieces…

25 May

Zumba Club!


Zumba Club will be starting at school on the 15th June and will run for 5 weeks.

The 5 week course will be run by a professional Zumba instructor, the cost will be £15. Spaces will be limited so get your enrolment forms in quick! 

19 May



Today in Maths Year 3 were measuring time. The children had to time each other completing a range of activities and then had to use multiplication to work how long it would take them to complete the same activity 5, 10 or 15 times.