Zumba Assembly
Children in Year 2-6 had a fun time yesterday finding out what Zumba was!
Congratulations to all our newly appointed School Council representatives!
Find out about this year's school council launch....
Y6 Anderton Centre Trip
Year 2 Andy Goldsworthy Art
Year 2 have been replicating the work of Andy Goldsworthy.
Play Leader Training in Y6
Father Jordan visits Yr 6
As part of Year 6’s R.E work, Father Jordan from All Saints Church came to help the children develop their understanding of the journey of life through exploring baptism.
Reverend Helen's First Assembly of the Year
Today Reverend Helen came into school to deliver our assembly on our school value 'Learning From Our Mistakes'.
Reverend Helen's First Assembly of the Year
Today Reverend Helen came into school to deliver our assembly on our school value 'Learning From Our Mistakes'.
Gillibrand Achieves School Games Mark
A massive well done and congratulations to our P.E subject lead, Mrs Szalata, who has worked hard with staff, pupils and external agencies to help our school achieve the 'Gold School Games Mark. The award recognises a school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active.