On Thursday 18th November 2021 Year 6 set off in slightly inclement weather to walk to Chorley Town Hall. We were on our way to visit the Mayor in his Parlour. When we arrived we were greeted by his attendants and taken in to the room which hosts all the full council meetings. The  room was beautiful, with amazing chandeliers and a stunning open fire place. The room looked very grand and like important meetings were held here. Then we were made to stand up as the Mayor entered, wearing his chains and robes being preceded by his attendant carrying the brass mace. We had the opportunity to ask the Mayor and his attendants lots of questions and even had the chance to handle parts of the very expensive and delicate chain that the Mayor wears. Two children were chosen to dress up as the Mayor and one of his attendants. It was a fabulous morning, learning about our local history and seeing how and where decisions that effect our every day lives take place. We have all been very inspired by the trip and a few of the children think that a career in politics may be in the future.