Hyacinth Competition
We prepared our hyacinth bulbs today.
Each table has their own bulb.
Which one will grow the fastest and tallest?
Watch this space!
Judaism in Year 4
Today Jeremy came into Year 4 and talked to the class about Judaism.
The childen learned about how religion can influence the daily lives of people.
They also learned more about a synagogue and things that they may find inside a synagogue.
Ask the children what they learned. You'll be…
Reception Class start to work towards the 'Step Outside' quality mark
In the Early Years Foundation Stage the learning that goes on outside is of equal importance to the learning in the classroom. The children learn and develop through play and enjoyment. We are currently training and working towards a quality mark to ensure our Reception Class are experiencing the…
Fun in the snow
For some of the children in Reception this was their first experience of snow and for others the first experience they will remember. The whole class were very excited about going out to touch the snow and feeling it crunching under their boots. We didn't have long before it started to melt so we…
Soil Cocktails!
In Year 3 we have been learning about what soil is made from. We went to the garden area in school, took some samples, then investigated what we could see. We found lots of wonderful things like; leaves, rocks, worms and rotten plants. We then created our own Soil Cocktails in our Science…
Time in Year Two
This week Year Two have been telling the time using half past, quarter past and quarter to on an anologue clock. Some of the children are now able to tell the time to the naerest five minutes. Well done Year Two!
Judaism in Year 1
We are looking at the religion of Judaism in Year 1 and we have a museum loan in school full of Jewish items and artefacts. Here are some photographs of us exploring the museum loan.
Irish Step Dancing
In PE we have ben learning an Irish Step dance to link with our Titanic topic. The children have been creating sequences and learning how to keep time to 8 beats.
Headteacher Appointment
The interviews for my replacement have been held. I am delighted to announce that Mrs Clayton was appointed as the new Headteacher of Gillibrand Primary School.
She will take up her position at the beginning of the Summer Term 2017.
I am sure that you…
Y6 Outdoor Maths
This week, year 6 have been learning about angles in maths. We went outside, with our protractors, to measure and draw some angles.
Y6 Science lessons
We have started our new science topic of light today. In this first lesson we created YouTube style videos and human diagrams to explain how we see things.
R.E - Judaism
Today the children looked at the religion Judaism. We looked at different artefacts and discussed some of the traditions within the faith.