Magistrates Court Trip
Today Year 6 went for a tour around Chorley Magistrates Court. We then acted out a court case with children acting out different parts for the defendant, witnesses, magistrates and the legal advisor. We had to listen to many different people before our magistrates decided on the fate of our…
Year 6 Music Afternoon
Well done to all the Year 6 pupils who took part in the music afternoon. It was lovely to hear what you have been learning in your music lessons. Some great songs learnt to play on the guitar and sing. You all showed such enthusiasm. Well done! I heard lots of the parents humming and singing along…
Hindu Visitor
We were fortunate enough to have a special visitor in Y1. Vijayaunti Chauhan visited us and told us all about the Hindu religion, the scriptures and festivals. She even helped the children create Rangoli patterns!
Music Assembly in Year Two
Year Two took part in their music afternoon today. They performed: ‘London’s Burning’ and ‘The Muffin Man’ on their ocarinas and they also sang: ‘Our God is a Great Big God’ and ‘Let’s Celebrate’.
All the pupils played and sang brilliantly.
Also, a big well done to all the parents who…
Headteacher's Award
Well done Samira!
You are a star and I am so proud of you.
Year 3 Colour Mixing!
In Year 3 today we have been learning how to colour mix. We used the primary colours and made other colours by mixing two or three primary colours together.
World Cup Pop Art
Mrs Sandham has had fun creating some World Cup Pop Art with Year 6 using watercolour and acrylic paints.
They look fantastic! Let's hope the artwork helps cheer on the remaining countries in the world cup.
What's Been Going on in Year 4?
We have had a busy couple of weeks in Year 4. Here are a mixture of things we have been up to over the past couple of weeks.
We have had a virtual competition in P.E. In geography we have been completing field work and mapping skills linked to the walks in the community we went on. We have…
Storytelling with the Reception Class
It was lovely to sit in the shade of the willow domes and read the story "Don't Eat the Teacher!" to some of the reception children.
RE in Year 5
Year 5 have been looking at the similarities and differences between the Bible and the Torah.
They worked in groups to record their ideas.
Science with Southlands
On Friday Mrs Nolan from Southlands came in and worked with Year 5. She looked at states of matter with the children and they got to complete some different activities linked to this. They had to make a sachet of ketchup sink in a bottle of water and see how raisins danced in lemonade.