Bird Feeders
As part of our outdoor learning, Year 5 created some bird feeders. We thought about the different foods that the birds might like to eat and placed them on to some thin wire. We then bent the wire round to form a hoop.
We placed them around the school grounds for the birds to…
Den Building Day
In order to raise money to help the people of Nepal rebuild their lives and homes after the 2015 earthquake, the children had a go at building their own dens. We imagined what is would be like to have everything around us destroyed and to be forced to live in a makeshift shelter. Plus it was lots…
Year 1 Art Exhibition
This week, in year 1, we have been collecting resources from nature and using them to create artwork. On Wednesday, we exhibited our artwork on the key stage 1 playground to everyone to see.
Outdoor Art Exhibition
This year we have been promoting outdoor learning across the curriculum. The children have been working hard to create a piece of outdoor art for our exhibition. Thank you to all the parents who popped in!
Bird Nesting Boxes
The bird boxes that the children in KS2 made, are up and about in the school grounds. Keep your eyes open for any comings and goings as bird nesting season is from February until August. I hope the birds like our boxes and have a safe home to lay their eggs.
Let's see what types of birds we can…
Woodland Trust Silver Award
Well done to everyone! We have now achieved the Woodland Trust Green Tree School Silver Award! To achieve this we have been taking part in lots of outside learning. We all visited our local woodland area, showed we cared for our environment and the Outdoor Club have been completing lots of outdoor…
Outdoor Club Photography
During outdoor club this week, we became photographers. Using the new iPads, we decided to take photos of some of our favourite natural things from different perspectives.
This made for some very interesting pictures.
Take a look at our work.
Story Time
Year 5 made the most of the beautiful sunshine last week and headed out to the log circle for story time.
It was lovely to sit in the sunshine whilst sharing our class novel.
Year 3 Shadows Investigation
In Year 3 we have been making the most of the beautiful sunshine and have been involved in some science work outdoors. Part of the Year 3 Science curriculum is to understand why shadows change shape and position. At 9.30 this morning we went out and drew around our shadows. We have been…
Year 1 Changes in the Seasons
As part of our curriculum, we learn about seasonal change. Here we are looking at how plants and trees are changing now that we are well into the season of SPRING.
Maths Learning Outdoors in Year 4
Year 4 had their maths lesson outside today.
This week we have been focusing on measures. The children had to measure different types of equipment outside, complete simple tasks and then write their results down. Then they had to convert the units of measurement such as converting metres to cm,…
Year Two Science in the Outdoor Area
This half term Year Two will be looking at plants. As part of our working scientifically targets we have been in the outdoor area looking closely at plants using microscopes.
Take a look at the pictures we took and some of the drawings we made.