8 December 2017

The Fire Service Visit Reception Class

As part of our theme of superheroes and real-life heroes the reception class have been learning about people who help us in our community.

Carla from the Lancashire fire service came in to visit us to tell the children about the role of the firefighter. She shared a book and information about…

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1 December 2017

Learning Morning and Afternoon in Reception Class

Thank you so much to all the parents who were able to attend our learning morning and afternoon this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing parents around their classroom and sharing their learning.

We had a particular focus on technology this half-term and children were able to show…

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1 December 2017

Reception Class-visit from the police!

Here are the photos as promised of our visit from PCSO Dawson last week.

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26 November 2017

A visit from our local PCSO

Reception class were very excited this week to have a visit from our local Police Community Support Officer.

We have being learning about people who help us in school and in our community. PCSO Dawson showed the children his special uniform and explained how he helps to keep to people in our…

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17 November 2017

Anti-Bullying Week in Reception Class

Reception Class have learned a lot about how to be a good and caring friend this week in Anti-Bullying week. They enjoyed several assemblies and activities explaining what bullying is and what to do if you feel like you or someone else is being bullied. They designed posters celebrating the…

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10 November 2017

Programming Blue-Bots in Oak Class

We have been very excited to have the opportunity to borrow and use some Blue-Bots for a few days in Reception Class. A Blue-Bot is a small programmable robot which operates remotely via bluetooth. The children used a special piece of equipment called a tactile reader to create their own sequence…

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13 October 2017

All about me!

This week in Reception we have continued our theme of Ourselves. The children have been thinking about what human beings look like and what their similarities and differences might be. The children enjoyed thinking about what humans are like as babies and next week we will go on to think more…

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28 September 2017

Outdoor Weeks in Reception Class

We have had a very active and interesting fortnight exploring the outdoors and learning a great deal along the way.

The children have enjoyed a variety of different hunting activities. First we hunted for minibeasts, then we hunted for bears and yesterday we hunted for numbers!

The class…

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15 September 2017

New Reception Class 2017

Our new reception children are settling well into school life. They have been finding their way around, learning our routines, making new friends and having lots of fun along the way. Here are a few photos of the first week in Oak Class.

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