4 April 2016

Lego Day

What a fantastic day for all the children in Reception and KS1.

1 April 2016

Gold Readers!

We gave out lots of Gold Reader badges in assembly today.

24 March 2016

Decorate an Egg Competition

There were some amazing entries in EYFS and KS1 today, including a new member of staff, Mr Eggins!

24 March 2016

Easter Assembly

Reverend Andrew from Trinity Methodist Church came to school for our Easter Assembly.

18 March 2016

Silver Readers

Great news...more silver readers! KS1 and Reception have been very busy reading lots of book to achieve their silver reading award. Well done to all those children.

3 March 2016

World Book Day

We all enjoyed a bedtime story.

29 February 2016

Young Voices 2016

It was a fantastic day. What an experience.

26 February 2016

Reading for Pleasure Workshops in KS1

The library service delivered reading workshops to EYFS, Y1 and Y2.

26 February 2016

Friday Fun Day

KS2 had fun on Friday 26th February.

12 February 2016

KS1 Reading Challenge 2016

Bronze winners announced!