Our Reception class has been diving into a frosty and fascinating topic—exploring ice and how it melts! Through a series of exciting hands-on experiments and creative activities, the children have been learning all about the properties of ice and how animals like whales and penguins stay warm in freezing temperatures.

One of the most thrilling experiments involved the children placing their hands in icy water to feel the chill, before insulating their hands with a special 'blubber' layer—just like whales and penguins do in the wild! The children were amazed at how much warmer their hands felt with the insulation, helping them to understand how animals survive in icy habitats.

Adding to the excitement, the children had the chance to experience real ice and snow when it snowed! They explored how snow and ice change as the weather becomes warmer. They experimented with ice painting, watching the colors blend as the ice melted, and then used their creations to make stunning prints.

This icy adventure has been a fantastic way for the children to develop their scientific understanding, observation skills, and creativity. Well done, Reception scientists and artists!