Today started advent in our school community by announcing our bauble winners and decorating our school Christmas tree, it’s been a wonderful afternoon where all members of the school community showed pride in our school. We were blown away by the children’s creativity in the making of the bulbs and choosing winners was incredibly difficult. As well as announcing the winners we had incredible poems from year 6 pupils Amy, Seren, Cameron and Seth, who showed self-belief and confidence in their delivery. Each class also performed a song each, ranging from traditional carols to Christmas pop classics! It was a wonderful way to start our festive season. Well done to the following bauble winner -
Reception - Reggie, Luca and Brooklyn
Year 1 - Henry B, Jake, Eric
Year 2 - Archie, Spencer, Willow
Year 3 - Millie, Oscar, Eva M
Year 4 - Mason, Myles, Pawel
Year 5 - Maddie, Willow, Connie
Year 6 - Evan, Chloe, Amy P
Thank you to all the entrants, they were fantastic and showed our amazing the children in our school are!