The children were interested in hearing how Simon began as 14 year-old paper boy and progressed to juggling the daily job of being an Electrical Engineering Consultant and owner of MSA Chorley Thai Boxing Club.  The children were able to gain an understanding of how determination, commitment and dedication led Simon to his success. In addition, Simon talked about the importance of education and how all the different subjects have helped him get to where he is today including history, R.E, Science, Maths, P.E and English. He went on to explain that giving 100% effort means you get 100% back and that in life you should aim to be the best you can be and always aim to be 10 out of 10.  Simon also invited all the children to a free session at his Thai Boxing Club in Coppull.  All the children interested were given a leaflet to take home so watch this space as we may have the next Champion Thai Boxer.  For more information: