Year 4 and eight parents and grandparents went out in the community today picking up litter. They managed to pick up nearly 20kg of rubbish! 

However, they were all amazed to discover a small safe, in a carrier bag,hidden in the undergrowth. 

It contained a number of cards and the children were intrigued as to how it had gotten there. Mrs Clayton decided they should take it back to school and call the police!

As KS2 have recently started a topic on Crime and Punishment, this was the highlight of the day and generated a lot of excited discussion in class.

Mrs Clayton was informed by the police  that there had been a burglary recently in the locality and that a safe had been stolen. The police came to pick it up and it was placed in an evidence bag and taken away for forensic examination!

Year 4 will be writing their own newspaper articles tomorrow about their discovery! All the children are hoping that they may have helped to solve a crime.

It was definitely an exciting day in Year 4. As one of the parents said, " It was worth having the morning off work!"