All the children have been involved in a range of activites this week.

A big thankyou to the parents who came in to school on Thursday afternoon to review the Anti-Bullying policy with Ms Bryson. They also helped to choose the winners of the poster competition.

KS1-Chloe Van Rhyn 

KS2-Amber Stoneley

        Molly Wignall-Smith


Well done! Watch out for their posters which will be on display around school soon!

We also had a successful Speaking Competition on Friday morning. All KS1 and KS2 classes learned a poem linked to work they had done in class during Anti-Bullying Week. All the classes were fantastic! Thank you to Mrs Houghton and Mrs Swinscoe who chose the winning class.

Year 6 were the winners! They learned "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley, a poem Nelson Mandela had read on many occasions during his time in prison.

Both judges said it had moved them to tears.  Well done Year 6. You were amazing!