This is my final newsletter. I will drive away feeling a mixture of emotions today. There will be sadness to leave this wonderful school, with its fantastic children and staff; as well as the excitement of beginning a new chapter of my life. I will certainly miss the children and the staff as they have been such a big part of my life.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to ALL the staff at Gillibrand, teaching and non-teaching. I thank them for their dedication to our children and their hard work.

I would also like to thank parents for their support during the years. I am sure that you will give the same to Mrs Clayton as she begins her new role as Headteacher at Gillibrand.

I must also acknowledge the commitment of our Governors who have supported me in ensuring that our children are offered the best possible opportunities and education.  Gillibrand is an outstanding school and that is because everyone involved has the well-being of our children as their priority.

I will take many happy memories with me and feel very fortunate that I have been Headteacher at this amazing school.