After two very successful outdoor learning weeks, the feedback from children and parents has been fantastic!

Children enjoyed all sorts of lessons outside from science to English to maths to art and geography. Most children were enthusiastic about their learning and were excited to learn about nature outside!


Parents comments:

"I feel that outdoor learning gives lots of opportunities to learn about the environment, improve children's emotional health & well being and provides children with a stimulating alternative to the classroom. It's a fabulous idea!"


"My child loves the outdoors so I feel that by having lessons outdoors she will concentrate and want to learn more."


"I think as it's a new experience it will capture their interest more than always being in the classroom."


"It's good for them to get familiar with the outdoors these days instead of tablets/gadgets etc. It teaches them in a fun and interesting new way."


What a great way to start the year and hopefully there will be many more lessons outdoors.

Thank you for all your support! 

Miss Baker